U7227A USB Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 4 GHz

U7227A USB Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 4 GHz


U7227A USB Preamplifier, 10 MHz to 4 GHz

Key Features & Specifications

Embedded smart features and benefits:

  • Automatic gain correction value with temperature compensation and transfer of calibration data (noise figure and S-parameters) through USB plug and play features for improve noise figure measurements when used with Keysight X-Series signal analyzers
  • Excellent noise figure and optimized gain with the X-Series signal analyzers improves measurement accuracy and minimizes uncertainty
  • Provides broadband operating frequency from 10 MHz up to 4 GHz for various applications
  • Rugged and portable design for bench top measurements or remote front end field applications


The U7227A, 10 MHz to 4 GHz USB preamplifier is designed to bring reliable gain and low noise figure to measurement systems improving the overall system performance and reduce systematic errors; a total solution to the X-Series signal analyzers to perform noise figure measurements.

When connected to the X-Series signal analyzers, the USB preamplifiers can automatically configure the analyzers to detect the specific preamplifier connected, and download the embedded calibration data such as gain, noise figure and S-parameters. The calibration data provides accurate correction data and more repeatable results for each actual measurement made.

View the N9000 X-Series Signal Analyzer Data Sheets

Note: Effective September 21, 2015, all existing U7227A/C/F RF cable will be replaced with a new type of RF cable for improved robustness. Product specifications will remain the same. Please contact your Keysight representative if you have any further inquiries regarding this change.